Dr. Gianina Statache

MD, PgCert MSK (US)

Degrees:  Doctor of Medicine (MD), University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila Bucharest, PgCert Musculoskeletal US

Designation: Consultant, Rheumatology

Department:  Regenerative Medicine  Rheumatology  


English Romanian

Experience: 15 Years

Dr. Gianina is a highly accomplished Rheumatologist with a distinguished career spanning the UK and the UAE. Having completed two prestigious Rheumatology fellowships at the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam and the University of Glasgow, she gained experience in clinical and basic research. Dr. Gianina's experience extends beyond clinical practice; she is a member of Abu Dhabi's Department of Health Task Force and has teaching commitments Khalifa University School of Medicine. Dr. Gianina has a keen interest in  patient education, passionately raising awareness about autoimmune disorders and enhancing patient knowledge. She is particularly interested in clinical  research and is leading the Clinical Innovation Division, currently overseeing several research projects.


  • Autoimmune diseases espacilly Sjogren Syndrome
  • Early Inflammatory arthritis
  • Cell therapy and Regenerative medicine
  • Musculoskeletal ultrasound
  • Research

Licenses and Memberships

Member: General Medical Council (GMC), UK

Member: British Society for Rheumatology (BSR), UK

Member, Royal College of Physicians (MRCP)

Member: Emirates Medical Association (EMA), UAE

Member: Emirates Rheumatology Society (ERS), UAE

Professional Experience

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