Cord Blood and Tissue Banking

Cord Blood and Tissue Banking

Cord Blood and Tissue Banking

The birth of a child is a moment filled with hope, joy, and endless possibilities. At ADSCC, we are proud to be the first entity in the emirate of Abu Dhabi to offer you the opportunity to preserve not only the umbilical cord blood but also the cord tissue and placenta, each holding unique and valuable cells that may play a crucial role in future health and medical advancements.

Umbilical cord blood is rich in stem cells, capable of developing into various types of cells in the body. These stem cells hold the promise of treating a wide range of medical conditions, from blood disorders to immune system deficiencies.

Cord Blood Collection

The umbilical cord tissue contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), known for their ability to differentiate into tissues such as bone, cartilage, and muscle. These cells offer potential in regenerative medicine and therapeutic applications.

Placental Tissue Collection

The placenta, a vital organ that nourishes the baby during pregnancy, is also a source of valuable stem cells and growth factors. Collecting and preserving placental tissue may provide additional opportunities for medical research and treatments.

Amnion Tissue Collection

Umbilical cord blood is rich in stem cells, capable of developing into various types of cells in the body. These stem cells hold the promise of treating a wide range of medical conditions, from blood disorders to immune system deficiencies.

Packages and Bundles


Ensure multiple treatments with the stem cells you need from cord blood, cord tissue, and placental tissue to protect your family.

Upfront payment

AED 21,500

12 months payment plan

AED 1,125


Invaluable enhancement to our comprehensize package to access to an infinite supply of cord tissue ready-to-use mesenchymal stem cells.

Upfront payment

AED 26,500

12 months payment plan

AED 1,458


Invaluable enhancement to our comprehensize package to access to an infinite supply of cord tissue ready-to-use mesenchymal stem cells.

Upfront payment

AED 37,500

18 months payment plan

AED 1,306

At ADSCC, we understand the joy and anticipation that comes with expecting a new addition to your family. We are honored to offer you the opportunity to collect and preserve these valuable stem cells, providing a unique gift that could safeguard your family’s health for years to come.